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He likes games for girls

He prepares with pleasure in a toy kitchen and dresses dolls? There is nothing to worry about, the child psychotherapist Elena Morozova assures. The games intended for the opposite sex allow children to grow free and harmonious people.

Is it necessary to be surprised when the boy likes the games traditionally prescribed for girls, and vice versa? Does this tendency indicate possible homosexuality in the future? “Children under 3-4 years old spontaneously play the same way,” explains the children’s psychotherapist Elena Morozova. – And then the girls begin to prefer their games, the boys – their own, imitating either paternal or maternal behavior. Adults are in many respects to such a separation – they buy them the appropriate toys, rejoice when their son (daughter) chooses a game with the right “sexual orientation”. It happens, however, that boys are also willing to lay down bears and bunnies to sleep. Or they play the family in the absence of peers, taking turns becoming “dad” or “mom”. And why persuade them not to do this? “Most of the adults forgot how great the power of imagination in the child,” Elena Morozova regrets. – and mistakenly attribute to such games a predictive character: The game does not indicate a future sexual orientation and forms it even less. On the contrary, maybe a wonderful, responsible father or – before – a gentle and caring older brother will grow out of a boy enthusiastic about dolls.

Involved in different game situations, especially symbolic, the child searches and creates his own personality, in which there are both female and male components. Instead of ridicuating the boy playing with a doll, you should ask yourself: “Why is it bothering me?”Does the behavior of the Son (daughter) awakens in us in doubt about his own sexual orientation? Often, the child involuntarily serves to strengthen the sexual self -esteem of parents – helping his father feel more courageous and strong, and mother – feminine.

It is worth worrying when boys are 7-8 years old and not just playing dolls, but reincarnate in girls: they

Ou seja – o tamanho do banheiro. Uma consulta romântica na água é melhor para organizar um hotel jacuzzi, e não no banheiro “Khrushchev”, obtido pela avó. Primeiro de tudo, acredite, você estará de comprar cialis online seguro e, no rampro, nesse caso em particular, é muito segurado, porque ele não quer sentar -se em água de resfriamento, descansando um com os joelhos. Em segundo lugar, se você se reunir seriamente para ter no sexo do banheiro, consideraremos o fundo de você, ou ele estará no chão de seus movimentos.

imitate their behavior, dress in dresses. Such fantasies are an occasion to turn to an endocrinologist, and then a psychologist who will help to understand what the child lives and what aspirations he wants, but is afraid to realize.

“Correct games with the right toys” Stefani Auerbach

An American teacher, a specialist in the field of children’s toys (it is called: a doctor of the one from Toy – “toy”), in his bestseller tells about games for each age and helps parents determine the real needs of the child.(Storri, 2008).

Elena Morozova, employee of the department of child psychiatry and medical psychology RMAPO.

21st International L’Oréal-UNESCO Award “For Women in Science”

March 14, 2019 in Paris took place a ceremony of awarding laureates of the L’Oréal-Inesco International Prize “For Women in Science”. This year, the prize for the first time includes nominations not only in the field of physics, chemistry, medicine and biology, but also in mathematics and computer sciences.

Mathematics is a discipline that helps to make innovative discoveries in other scientific fields. At the same time, this is one of the spheres where women occupy the smallest number of leading positions. Since the establishment of three prestigious awards in the field of mathematics (Fields, Abelian and Wolf Awards), 141 people have become their laureates, including only one woman.

Therefore, the L’Oréal and UNESCO Foundation has joined efforts to expand women’s capabilities in science and increased the coverage of the International Prize dedicated to material science. This year, the organizers decided to note the achievements in two more fields of research – mathematics and computer sciences.

Five laureates of the “Women in Science” award in 2019 included two mathematicians. Claire Vuzen is one of the five women who received the Golden Medal of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), and the first female mathematician, hired by college de France. Voise was awarded for outstanding achievements in the field of algebraic geometry, while she is the mother of five children. Ingrid Dobeshi from the University of Duke (USA) is the first female research to head the International Mathematical Union.

Traditionally, in addition to the five laureates of the award within the framework of the ceremony, 15 promising young women scientists from all over the world were marked by scholarships.

“For women in science”: more than 20 years of commitment

In the field of scientific research, the

so-called “glass ceiling” still exists: women make up only 29% of researchers, occupy 11% of key positions in academic institutions, and only 3% of Nobel Prizes in the field of science are awarded to women.

Since 1998, the L’Oréal Foundation, together with UNESCO, has been working on increasing the number of women in the scientific environment, maintaining a deep conviction that the world needs science, and science needs women.

For 21 years of existence, the program “For Women in Science” helped to support and draw attention to the activities of 107 laureates and more than 3,000 talented young women-scientists, both graduate students and doctoral students, providing them with annual scholarships for research in 117 countries.